What can you do when you don’t get what you want?

And feel rejection and unease.
Or someone in your life has made a mistake leaving a wake of disappointent. Frustration seems to take hold and over ride before we know it and have power over our intentions. Creating the cascade of problems to follow. Fog of frustration. Time to drop anchor, quickly. Take a few steps back.
Whats possible?
Change perspective, derail burnout and invite patience. Avoid too much, too fast. Slowing down lets you appreciate the miraculous moment and set up the conditions to create what you want for yourself.

The tortoise. Does essentially nothing 16 hours a day. Nothing. Not eating, not drinking. Just being. Conserving energy. What humans walk in 4 minutes, it takes the tortoise an hour.
For a 100 years!
Think about that for one minute.

Be patient, go slow like a tortoise and evoke miraculous moments.


Quail Fam