Where possibility begins.
What’s possible?
What possibilities are arising?
What do you see on the horizon?
Which ideas will take hold?
What is something to look forward to?
Where can you right size?
What can you live without?
How can you encourage
creativity and imagination?
What would it be like to
plan and pioritize?
Where does possibility exist?
Which bright ideas
arise and take hold?
Baby steps are golden.
They lead to your fondest goals.
Drop in.
Ride the wave.
Perennial possibilist;
Someone who advocates ideas that have lasted over centuries. With the belief that things do not need to actually exist in order to have properties.
What’s; expressing inquiry about the identity, nature or value of an object or matter.
Possible; able to be done, within the power or capacity of someone or something.
What else; refers to additional possibilities.